
While there are numerous social media marketing strategies available out there, have you ever wondered why video marketing is so powerful amongst them all?

The reason is that you can directly connect to your audience and capture their attention right away.

What is Video Marketing?

 Video marketing is when you make videos to educate people about your business offerings and promote your products or services.

Nowadays, videos are considered one of the most powerful and direct mediums for delivering your message to your target audience.

Moreover, 98% of users have claimed that they watch explainer videos to learn about any service or products that they are unaware of.

Let’s get into a deeper analysis of why video marketing is so powerful in today’s digitalized world.

8 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful

1)      Video marketing increases the chances of sales by up to 80%

When you connect with your audience, it increases your brand awareness, builds a customer base, gives a better understanding of your services, and ultimately, increases your chances of sales.

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2)      Videos are engaging

In this rushed world, most people have a short attention span. They can get bored or frustrated quickly. So, your ultimate goal should be to engage your audience from the beginning till the end so you can educate them about your services or products.

In order to capture the attention of your desired audience, videos are the best option as most people prefer watching videos over reading text. Videos can be eye-catching and appealing at first glance. Therefore, video marketing is a helpful strategy to engage with your customers.

3)      Builds new customers

As discussed earlier, audience engagement is the key to profitable marketing.

If you make engaging video content, there is an increased probability that you’ll build new customers who were not interested in your product before. Your videos should be engaging throughout its entirety and should be able to make your customers curious enough to watch till the end.

The best way to entertain your audience through videos is to utilize story-telling video marketing ideas.

Research conducted by Headstream analyzed that if people get inspired by a story-telling brand, 55% of the audience will likely purchase the product in the future, 44% will share the brand’s story, and 15% people will immediately buy the company’s product or service.

4)      Easy to understand

Consider yourself in the consumer’s perspective for a moment.

Suppose you want to find information about any particular services or products. Would you prefer to watch an engaging well-explained video or read tons of articles to thoroughly understand the service you want to buy? Of course, we all will find videos easy to understand and less complicated.

Apart from that, if people don’t understand your offerings properly, they will think twice before spending their hard-earned money on your product or service. Even if your service is a need to them, if they have any confusion regarding your offerings, they will think multiple times before making their buying decisions.

The purpose of marketing is merely to create your brand’s awareness, and if this purpose is left with loopholes, the entire effort remains useless.

This doesn’t mean marketing strategies other than videos are useless. They all have significant roles. But by incorporating videos in your marketing strategy, it is more likely that your consumers will understand your services without any confusion or misunderstandings.

Forrester Research revealed that the information retained in people’s minds from a one-minute video is equal to 1.8 Million written words. Amazing! Isn’t it?

5)      Video contents are search engine friendly:

Who doesn’t want their content to rank and generate traffic? Of course, anyone utilizing social media for marketing wishes to get their content ranked on search engines.

In recent years, videos have become an essential aspect of SEO. To put it simply, sometimes you may see videos pop up first on a Google search. That means Google also loves video content.

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6)      Video Marketing Increases ROI:

Some marketers may find videos difficult and time-consuming to generate. Yes, this is true. Videos may take time to create and edit. However, the benefits are worth the effort. And with technological advancements, you’ll find plenty of ways to bring high-quality and engaging videos to your audience.

Video marketing is beneficial for both your search engines and consumers’ perspectives to increase your ROI in your business.

87% of video marketers have claimed that video marketing has helped them increase traffic to their website, while 89% of video marketers revealed that videos gave them a good ROI.

7)      Video marketing builds trust amongst customers:

Videos build trust with your audience. When people see your products or services in a live and fully explainable form, they will unconsciously trust your services.

For successful marketing, trust is the crucial element that every marketer should focus on building with their customers.

8)       Video marketing promotes social sharing:

As video content is entertaining and easy to digest, people also share it on their social networks. The chances of people sharing video content with their friends are 2x times more than any other form of content. This gives you an ample opportunity to increase your brand awareness among an extensive network of people.


Videos are a great way to explain your services to your desired audience. It offers a multitude of benefits from being SEO-friendly to offering significant ROI and being user-friendly.

So, if you are not using videos in your marketing strategies, you are most likely missing out on an essential element that could contribute greatly to your success.

Video Marketing is powerful but it’s a complex and time-taken process. A professional expert working with you will help you grow your business faster and broaden your networking with the right people.

When it comes to social media marketing, Jha Allen LLC is an expert who has trained many businesses in social media marketing and helped them succeed. So, it is wise to hire marketing experts like Allen LLC to save time and give your business the proper attention.

Jha Allen LLC is a highly respected and known marketing consultant from the Houston area. She and her team have helped many businesses build a strong brand and online presence. As a Houston resident, she knows what to do to make your business stand out. Get in touch with Jha today!

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